



  • Where lie the origins of J N Tata’s ideology, philanthropy and work ethics ? How have they held together for 150 years inspite of many challenges ? Examples of their existence in today’s operations.
  • What are the milestones and the bigness of the Tata Journey ?
  • Case studies on Values.










  • Edgar Schein’s concepts of corporate culture – how does it form, with what elements, how does it operate, the importance of change. This provides a frame to hang the Tata family picture in their hearts.
  • Understanding the 7 pillars of good corporate culture through examples from International best practices and the Tata group.
  • A case study of Tata entrepreneurship in recent times – how it embodies the spirit of J N Tata.
  • Understanding J R D Tata the Man.
  • The transition from J R D Tata to Ratan Tata – changes in Indian laws through liberalization, creating a single structure from a loose confederation, building the Tata brand globally.
  • Examples of the Tata philanthropy – Indian Institute of Science case.
  • Understanding the Leaders who ran the group for 150 years – changes and constants over time.

Participants create individual value programmes for implementation.





T R Doongaji (Donn)

Gautam Mukerjee