Sushweta Chakraborty
Sushweta Chakraborty began her professional life in 1983 by teaching English to high school students. Her leadership, visionary, management and method oriented organizational qualities, enabled her to secure a position in school administration. She brought ISO 9001 Quality Systems Certification by Bureau Veritas, in an Education Institution, the first ever in Eastern India, in the school where she served as Principal.
The study of Consciousness in a Universe filled with and governed by Energy, keeps Sushweta riveted. Currently, she is Partner at Anandini Foundation (a training firm), an Energy Coach and Spiritual Mentor, reaching out to numerous people through the holistic Energy Healing techniques of Usui, Karuna, Teramai & Angel Reiki of which she is a certified grandmaster. As a Master of Crystal Therapy, Sushweta offers Crystal Healing as an independent tool and also as an enhancing accompaniment for Reiki Healing. She is a guide and coach of the miraculously transformational Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Silva Mind Method and applies Rene Mey therapies for healing purposes too. Through her modules based on Law of Attraction and Conscious Creation, one can awaken into realizing one’s own capabilities of Personal Empowerment. Her source of inspiration and motivation are the numerous people whose lives have transformed in wonderful ways through her sessions. A compassionate and respectful listener, she excelled as a counsellor and still continues to be one.
Sushweta teaches all levels of Reiki and Crystal Therapy through attunements and workshops. She also offers sessions to clients with stuckness (attitudes, relationships, work, abundance, fears, anxieties, anger issues, procrastination – to name a few) to facilitate ease, smooth movement and growth. With the help of her compassionate patience and multiple disciplines in Healing, Sushweta continuously stands by her students and clients – many of whom are based in various cities in India and abroad – through their evolutionary transformations.
Sushweta also conducts Pranayamas (special wellness inducing breathing techniques) followed by several types of guided meditations, some of which are done using Yoga Mudras.