The Path Forward
"Developing Corporate Strategy"
Anandini’s Strategy programme is a year long learning exercise because we feel:
- Strategy is the single most important aspect for any Corporate’s long term growth.
- And yet, only 5 % of Corporates actually have a Strategy Team in place doing Strategic Planning and Implementation
- Mere presentations of Annual Plans are inadequate for Strategy taking root
- One or two inspirational talks on Strategy per annum is farcical
- Strategy begins with Internal Strategy and moves to the External only when the inner movement has taken firm shape
- External Strategy is complex, requires continuous analysis, breaking down of options and most importantly defining uniqueness and achieving it.
An example of the ideal Strategy function
In the 1980s when executives from TELCO (now Tata Motors) went to Japan for their collaboration with Hitachi on the Excavator Division, they learnt how the Hitachi top brass handle Strategy.
- The President looked after a 5 year Strategic Plan
- The Managing Director oversaw a 5 to 15 year Strategy
- The Chairman worked actively on a 15 to 20 year Strategic path.
This was an eye-opener as very few organizations even look at a 5 year plan and actively monitor it as they would do for operations.
- Annual work plan
- Three Workshops of 2 days each
- Nine Reviews / Audits on Workshop related tasks on monthly basis between Workshops.
- Pre-workshop Readings for group discussions, analysis and presentations during Workshops – articles and case studies
- Learnings through lectures, films, group work
Workshop 1 Internal Strategy
- Understanding Corporate Culture – what drives it, why is it important, how do we shape
it to meet Strategic needs ? Reading on the ideal culture – analysis. - Takeaway assignments on 6 vital items for implementation within the Organization with
clear cut identification of who will do what and when.
Workshop 2 External Strategy
- Understanding 6 basic components of Strategy
- Case Studies on each for analysis and group presentation
- Calculating Worth
- Due Diligence Process – what does it entail ?
- Funding Choices
- Case Studies, analysis and group presentations
- Creating a fertile ground for good External Strategy
- Group presentations and analysis of 4 key Strategy articles
- Defining the journey forward
Group presentations and discussions on :
- This is where we want to go ?
- This is who we want to be ?
- How do we make ourselves Unique ?
- What elements will set us apart in this new strategy to define ourselves for the Future ?
Defining the Strategy Team
- At Corporate level
- At Group level
- A look at the Indian Economy – segments connected with the organization
- Takeaway assignments from the Workshop for implementation
Workshop 3 Implementation
- Review of work done on Workshops 1 & 2
- Doing a Project Right
- Project Implementation & Project Management
- Moving Forward through 4 Presentations
- Understanding “The Changing World” – Presentations & discussions
- The importance of writing Case studies
- Group presentations of Internal Strategy Status and Gains.
- My India – Group presentations on how we see our world in the coming years
- Relevant Video Clips
- Group presentations on expanding operations in the future yearly Plans
- 10 Group presentations on results forecasted for coming years. Gross Revenue, Expenses,
Profit before Tax,
Essential Capital Expenditure
- Analysis, Debate, Q & A, Devil’s Advocacy, Defending the Plans.
- Video Clips on Moving out of the Comfort Zone
- Concluding message from CMD – Our Future Ahead
Review / Audit
Three monthly assessments of actual progress made by each group after each Workshop.
Total of 9 monthly assessments for checking progress.